App Development
Apple – SwiftUI + Design
I am an Apple Developer and have created apps for iOS, watchOS and macOS primarily using SwiftUI.
My approach is collaborative and includes design sprints. I am a creative, and skilled engineer bridging the gap between user needs and technical requirements. Here are some examples of recent work
My Apps
Easy CPR uses audiovisual cues to deliver consistent compressions during CPR.
Early, high-quality CPR, including compression only CPR particularly in cases were a defibrillator may not be immediately available is an important factor in saving a person’s life. This is the main reason I have created Easy CPR. The app is available for iOS and macOS here.

Olympic Cinema members app
Collaboration with Olympic Cinema to create an app for members to discover and book the monthly events that occur at the Club.
The app displays the monthly events, the menus at the restaurant and the screenings at the cinema.

Emergency vehicle make ready
This is a simple app to enable emergency vehicle crews to quickly and accurately determine the available equipment within the vehicle and well as provide a check list to ensure the vehicle is ready for a mission.

This app enables customers at a restaurant to see the menu, create their own pizza and look at their favourite dishes. It also lets customers order food by adding items to an order.

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